Thursday, July 8, 2010

Starbucks Debacle and a concofeny of life

Hello again readers! It has been a while since by last blog and I have several excuses a) it was my birthday week and I took a break from life b) I was in a little funk, and c) There hasn't been much in my day to blog about. Actually looking at the list those could all be one thing, but anywho I am back and you may have noticed from the title of this posting there isn't a clear direction to what you are about to read so bare with me and you may get a laugh or lesson from my anecdotes.
So this morning started out a little rough. Now mornings are not usually easy for me but lately they have been extra rough since I have discontinued the use of pharmaceuticals to ensure a proper nights sleep....that is more Ambien! I have been pretty dependent on them the past year, and now am trying to live more holistically. So far the results have been less than satisfactory. I rolled out of bed to take Mr. Mc. to work around 9:30 with the promise that I would stop by the ole'SB (starbucks) and treat myself to a delicious cup of extra-strong goodness to get the blood flowing. I was feeling slightly guilty about the expense (frugalista moment) since I have a perfectly good coffee maker at home but since it was already a bagillion degrees out (yeah bagillion check the process of brewing and then cooling and then adding almond milk and agave just seemed like WAAAAAYYYY too much work and time for my sleep deprived brain. I was also feeling guilty about the milk (Trying to phase out animal products) and the caffeine! Wow you might be thinking, way too much guilt for one morning but yeah....that is how I roll, a guilty insomniac. So I had a brain-full when I drove up to order. Now I don't get too fancy with the coffee lately just some iced caffeine with milk and sweetener to go please, but it being SB I always feel like I need to use the lingo. So I like to order coffee with extra shots as "red eye" one extra ,or "black eye" two extra. My sis-in-law Linzy (who works at SB) pointed out to me once that she likes to order a "tall back eye" cuz it sounds like you want a "tall Black Guy"! This entertains me so much that I usually order one just so I can say "I'd like a tall black guy to go please! mmmmm! (they never notice in the drive through that you say that) So....feeling mischievous but obviously not quite awake I go to order and say something like this. "morning, I'd like a Venti Tall Guy!" AHHH....I totally botched my own joke and the poor girl on the other side was like what? I awkwardly resisted the urge to yell "Psych!" and drive off quickly, and instead ordered a " uhhh Venti Black eye....with uhhhh 3 spenda's..... and uhhhh extra milk".....Doh! So much for my cool coffee drinking composure! As I pulled up to the window I didn't even want to make eye contact with the barista, I shamefully gave her my plastic took my coffee and left. I didn't notice until I pulled out that my coffee was hot! Ughh. In all of my flustration (flustered frustration) I forgot to say iced! So....I paid 4 something for some embarrassment and I couldn't even drink it until I went home and put ice in it (cuz you know it was a bagillion degrees outside).....and that was the start to my morning.
On another note, probably due to the lack of activity in our nest. I have been contemplating the start of many new things! I will not blog about them today since most are just random thoughts not yet formed completely in my head but it is very refreshing to explore new ideas and grow into who I am meant to be! If we are not growing how will we ever bare fruit?


  1. LOL. a lot of this sounds so much like me. guilty about/trying to consume less animal products. guilty about spending money on fancy coffee. it being a bajillion degrees out and it makes it so hard to do anything. pulling up to the drive-thru and wanting to keep my head down and get out of there and going away with something hot! oh Jessica! hearing your stories makes me feel a little more normal--or at least like i am not the only one! i love reading them :)

  2. Glad I can make other people feel less weird.....we have to fly our freak flags!

  3. Dear Daughter,
    I'm so sorry I passed on to you that great gift that keeps on giving-GUILT!
    However I can so relate I laugh hysterically every time I read something you have written.
    Much love,
    Practically Perfect 1
